Women in the Law: "Hey Sweetie"
November 18, 2016
Here at Hire an Esquire, we aim to bring you fresh, relevant perspectives from around the legal industry. For the next six weeks, we're partnering with Law School Transparency to bring you Women in the Law, a podcast mini-series, and related articles that examine the many professional and personal challenges that women continue to face as members of the legal profession.
Women in the Law will be 12 paired episodes. Each pair includes a show and a roundtable discussion. The first week’s pair, “Hey Sweetie,” about sexism in the legal workplace, just went live.
"Hey Sweetie"
"Hey Sweetie" Roundtable at Wake Forest Law:
Law School Transparency fosters a lively discussion over the show's six-week run. Check out the articles that our co-partners will be featuring as well, including Above the Law, Bloomberg Big Law Business, Diversity Lab, The Girls Guide to Law School, The Lawyerist, and Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly.